Marketing Models with Interactive Lighting

An interactive model provides opportunity for the prospective buyer and sales team to directly engage with the model in a hands-on way. Whether it is operated by a simple push button console, a mounted hardwired touch screen or a wireless interface such as a tablet or iPad, interactive lighting can be a very useful tool. The system we use can be customised to suit most requirements such as lighting individual apartments, groups of apartments such as 1, 2 or 3 bedrooms, individual levels, and whole buildings. It can also be useful for highlighting amenities, such as pools, gyms, concierge, cafes, retail areas, public and private domains. The system is able to link with other content such as floorplans, walk-throughs and flyovers or specific views.

Feel free to contact us at any stage throughout the design and development period so we can assist you with planning and executing the perfect interactive model for your next development no matter how big or small.

Modelcraft collaborate with industry specialists, such as Ligthtswarm to develop and integrate interactive lighting into our high end marketing models.


Static Lighting

